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GoHighLevel vs HubSpot: A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Marketing Platform

Are you a business owner or entrepreneur looking for software to streamline your business activities and improve your marketing strategies? Having personally used both GoHighLevel and Hubspot, I have acquired valuable expertise in these platforms. In this in-depth evaluation, I’ll provide you with the facts you need to make a wise choice. Whether you’re trying to choose between the two or seeking guidance, I’m here to assist you in making the right choice for your business, it’s important to consider both the similarities and differences among the available options. In this thorough review of GoHighLevel vs HubSpot, we will explore the areas where these platforms excel and differ. By examining their features, ease of use, and value for money, our goal is to provide you with a well-rounded understanding, enabling you to make an informed decision. Join us as we navigate this comparison to identify GoHighLevel’s standout qualities and HubSpot’s unique strengths, empowering you to choose the platform that best suits your business objectives.

Key Points

GoHighLevel is specifically built for agencies, providing a simplified experience tailored to their needs. HubSpot, on the other hand, offers a broader range of functionalities for businesses of various types and sizes.

GoHighLevel provides lead capture features such as forms, landing pages, and automation workflows to capture and manage leads effectively. While HubSpot offers lead capture tools like forms, pop-ups, and live chat to capture and organize leads in a centralized CRM.

GoHighLevel enables two-way communication with leads through SMS, Facebook messages, Instagram DMs, Google Business messages, and WhatsApp. While HubSpot allows businesses to communicate with leads and customers through email marketing, live chat, and chatbots, providing multiple channels for engagement.

Payment processing capabilities are integrated into GoHighLevel, allowing businesses to take payments without leaving the platform. While HubSpot does not have native payment processing capabilities, but it integrates with various payment gateways to facilitate transactions.

GoHighLevel provides analytics and reporting features to track campaign performance, lead conversion, and customer behavior within the platform. While HubSpot offers robust analytics and reporting tools to monitor marketing and sales performance, including website traffic, email engagement, and lead conversions.

HighLevel offers predictable pricing starting at $97 per month, While HubSpot pricing is complex and its basic CRM pricing starts from $30/per month

GoHighLevel offers 24/7 customer support via email and chat, as well as concierge migrations to assist with platform onboarding. It has an active Facebook community for knowledge sharing and collaboration, While HubSpot provides customer support via email, chat, and phone, offering assistance for technical queries and guidance. Users get access to a wealth of resources, including a community forum, training materials, and substantial documentation.

Gohighlevel offers a flexible and scalable pricing model based on usage. The pricing starts at $97 per month for the Starter plan and goes up to $297 per month for the Pro plan There is also an Agency plan available for $497/month while Hubspot Starter starts at $30/month and Business and Enterprise pricing tiers start at $800/month.
If you sign up for GoHighLevel through our affiliate link, you’ll receive bonuses worth $4,997. These bonuses include free GoHighLevel training, dozens of GoHighLevel snapshots that you can import to your GoHighLevel account with just a click, and one month of expert assistance, all at no additional cost.

Key Points: GoHighLevel vs Hubspot

What is Gohighlevel?

GoHighLevel is an all-encompassing marketing platform that gives firms access to a wide range of marketing management tools and functions, all with the goal of facilitating more effective marketing operations. It functions as a centralised centre for customer relationship management (CRM), making it possible for organisations to organise and keep track of their leads, client interactions, and sales processes. Additionally, customers are able to build and automate marketing programmes through the usage of GoHighLevel. These marketing campaigns can include email marketing, SMS marketing, and social media marketing. The platform also provides functionality for building landing pages, managing appointments, and generating analytics reports to measure the success of marketing efforts. With its user-friendly interface and diverse range of capabilities, GoHighLevel is popular among agencies and businesses of all sizes as a solution for enhancing their marketing strategies and driving growth. It aims to simplify marketing processes and provide businesses with a centralized platform for managing their customer interactions and sales pipelines.

To maintain the reader’s interest, I have included a brief summary in the previous paragraph. However, for more in-depth exploration,  I encourage you to peruse the article entitled “What is Gohighlevel?” This comprehensive piece will provide you with a detailed understanding of the topic.

Disclosure: Iloveghl is an independent entity. We participate in the GoHighLevel affiliate program, which means that if you sign up for GoHighLevel through our affiliate links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Our recommendations and opinions are entirely our own, and we are committed to providing honest and unbiased information to help you make the best decision for your needs. This support helps maintain and grow, allowing us to continue offering valuable content and resources. Your support is greatly appreciated.

What Is HubSpot?

HubSpot is a platform that assists organisations with their marketing, sales, and customer service activities all in one convenient location. It provides a variety of tools and services that make it simpler for businesses to acquire new consumers, keep existing ones engaged, and fulfil all of their needs. One of the main parts of HubSpot is its customer relationship management (CRM) system, which helps businesses keep track of their contacts and understand their customers better. With (CRM), businesses can store customer information, manage interactions, and get insights into customer behavior.

HubSpot also has powerful marketing automation tools. These tools help businesses create and optimize their websites, use content marketing to attract visitors, and convert them into leads. Email marketing, management of social media platforms, search engine optimisation (SEO), and content management are just some of the services that are offered by HubSpot. Utilising these technologies ensures that a company’s marketing strategies are carried out in an efficient and successful manner.

Moreover, HubSpot offers sales automation tools that help sales teams streamline their processes and increase revenue. Sales representatives can use features like email templates, document tracking, meeting scheduling, and pipeline management to manage their leads and close deals efficiently.

Businesses may assess the effectiveness of their marketing and sales activities with the aid of HubSpot’s analytics and reporting tools. Businesses may analyse the efficacy of their ads, track website traffic, and learn more about client behaviour. Businesses may make better judgements and optimise their strategy with the aid of this data-driven approach.

HubSpot’s user-friendly design and comprehensive documentation are among its benefits. The platform is made to be simple to use, especially for companies with little technological know-how. HubSpot provides resources, tutorials, and support to help users make the most of the platform’s features and achieve their marketing and sales goals.

Overall, HubSpot is a versatile platform that covers various aspects of the customer journey. It helps businesses build strong relationships with their customers, generate leads, close deals, and drive growth. With its comprehensive set of tools, user-friendly interface, and ongoing innovation, HubSpot is a trusted choice for businesses looking to excel in their marketing and sales efforts.

Feature Comparison: GoHighLevel vs Hubspot

Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

Both GoHighLevel and HubSpot offer CRM functionality to manage customer interactions, track leads, and organize data. However, GoHighLevel is known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface, while HubSpot provides a more robust CRM system with advanced features.

Marketing Automation: 

Both platforms include marketing automation capabilities to simplify workflows and marketing campaigns. GoHighLevel is committed to offering a full range of marketing automation tools, such as lead generation, email marketing, landing page design, and automated processes. On the other side, HubSpot provides a variety of marketing automation capabilities, such as analytics, social media management, and content management.

Sales Tools

GoHighLevel offers sales tools that help businesses close deals and manage their sales pipelines. These tools include email and SMS marketing, appointment scheduling, and payment processing. HubSpot also provides sales tools such as email templates, document tracking, and pipeline management to enhance the sales process.

Communication Channels 

GoHighLevel supports various communication channels like calls, SMS, emails, Facebook messages, Instagram DMs, and Google Business messages. HubSpot, on the other hand, primarily focuses on email and broadcast SMS messages.


GoHighLevel offers competitive pricing plans, starting at $97 per month. In contrast, HubSpot’s pricing is based on the features and scale of the business, with Basic CRM plans starting at $30 per month and professional or enterprise plans starting at $800 per month. GoHighLevel is often considered more cost-effective, especially for small to medium-sized businesses.

User Interface and Ease of Use

GoHighLevel is renowned for its intuitive design and user-friendly interface, which makes it simpler for users of all technical levels to navigate and make efficient use of its resources. Despite its wide feature set and user-friendly interface, HubSpot may have a longer learning curve for newbies.

Support and Resources 

Both platforms offer customer support, but HubSpot is known for its comprehensive documentation, training resources, and large community of users. GoHighLevel also provides support via email and chat and offers concierge migrations for a smooth onboarding.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)✔️ Offers a user-friendly interface✔️ Provides a robust CRM system
Marketing Automation✔️ Comprehensive set of automation features✔️ Wide range of marketing automation features
Sales Tools✔️ Tools for closing deals and managing pipelines✔️ Features for email templates and pipeline management
Communication Channels✔️ Supports calls, SMS, emails, and social media messages✔️ Focuses primarily on email and broadcast SMS
Pricing💲 Competitive pricing starts at $97 per month💲 Basic CRM Pricing Start at $30 per month and Enterprise plan  starts from $800 per month
User Interface✔️ User-friendly interface and intuitive design✔️ User-friendly experience with extensive features
Support and Resources✔️ Email and chat support, concierge migrations✔️ Comprehensive documentation and training resources

Pricing: GoHighLevel vs Hubspot

GoHighLevel Pricing

GoHighLevel offers a subscription-based pricing model with different tiers based on the features and number of users required.

GoHighLevel Pricing
Starter Price: $97 per month
Unlimited Plan: $297 per month
Agency plan available for $497 per month
GoHighLevel Pricing

Hubspot Pricing

HubSpot’s pricing is based on the features and scale of your business. They offer various pricing plans tailored to different business needs.

HubSpot Pricing
Starter CRM Suite starts from $30 per month (If paid Annually) 
– Professional Plan: Starts at $800 per month 
– Enterprise Plan: Starts at $3,600 per month
– Additional Costs: Additional costs may apply for add-ons and advanced features
Hubspot Pricing

GoHighLevel vs HubSpot: Customer Service Tools

Here’s a comparison of customer service tools between GoHighLevel and HubSpot:

Help Desk:

GoHighLevel: GoHighLevel provides a help desk feature where you may handle support tickets and client queries. You may engage with consumers, assign tickets to team members, and check on their progress.

HubSpot: HubSpot offers a help desk tool that enables you to create and manage support tickets. You can track ticket status, assign them to specific agents, and provide timely responses to customer inquiries.

Live Chat:

GoHighLevel: The live chat function in GoHighLevel enables you to converse with website visitors right away. Through chat chats, you may answer queries, gather leads, and offer immediate assistance.

HubSpot: HubSpot offers a live chat tool that enables you to engage with website visitors in real-time. You can provide immediate assistance, gather information, and qualify leads through interactive chat conversations.

Knowledge Base:

GoHighLevel: GoHighLevel allows you to create a knowledge base or FAQ section where you can provide self-help resources and articles for customers.

HubSpot: HubSpot offers a knowledge base feature that enables you to create and organize helpful articles, guides, and documentation. Customers can easily search for information and find answers to their questions without the need for direct support.

Ticketing System:

GoHighLevel: GoHighLevel provides a ticketing system that helps you manage customer support requests efficiently. You can assign tickets, track their progress, and maintain a record of customer interactions.

HubSpot: HubSpot offers a robust ticketing system where you can create, assign, and track support tickets. It allows you to prioritize tickets, set service level agreements (SLAs), and provide a seamless support experience for your customers.

Social Media Support:

GoHighLevel: GoHighLevel integrates with social media platforms, allowing you to manage customer support inquiries and messages from platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

HubSpot: HubSpot offers social media monitoring and engagement features. You can manage customer interactions, respond to messages and comments, and track social media conversations within the HubSpot platform.

Customer Service ToolsGoHighLevelHubSpot
Help Desk✔️✔️
Live Chat✔️✔️
Knowledge Base✔️✔️
Ticketing System✔️✔️
Social Media Support✔️✔️

Pros & Cons: GoHighLevel vs Hubspot

GoHighLevel Pros:

  • Versatility: GoHighLevel is a versatile platform that offers a wide range of features to support various marketing and business needs.
  • All-in-one solution: It offers an extensive collection of capabilities on a one platform, including customer relationship management (CRM), email marketing, landing page design, automated workflows, and more.
  • User-friendly interface: GoHighLevel is a simple, user-friendly interface that makes it simple for users of all technical levels to browse and make efficient use of its resources.
  • Scalability: Because of its scalability, enterprises can start small and extend their use as their needs change.
  • Competitive pricing: GoHighLevel provides competitive pricing packages with flexible options, making it an attractive choice for businesses of different sizes and budgets.

 GoHighlevel Cons:

  • Learning Curve: The platform could require some getting used to, especially for users who are unfamiliar with marketing automation software or have little technical know-how. It may take some time and effort to become comfortable and proficient in navigating and utilizing all the features of GoHighLevel. 
  • Limited Customization: Although GoHighLevel offers pre-built features and templates, there may not be as many customization choices as on other platforms. This implies that you might have less freedom to modify the platform to suit your unique branding or design preferences.

Hubspot Pros:

  • Robust feature set: HubSpot offers a comprehensive set of marketing and sales tools, including CRM, email marketing, social media management, content management system (CMS), analytics, and more, providing businesses with a wide range of capabilities.
  • User-friendly interface: HubSpot is renowned for its user-friendly interface, which makes it simple for users to navigate and make efficient use of the platform.
  • Extensive integrations: Businesses may connect and synchronise their marketing and sales operations because to the wide range of connectors it offers with other tools and platforms.
  • Excellent customer support: HubSpot provides reliable customer support through various channels, including email, chat, and a community forum, ensuring users have access to assistance when needed.
  • In-depth analytics: HubSpot’s analytics capabilities provide detailed insights into marketing and sales performance, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions.

Hubspot Cons:

  • Higher pricing: HubSpot can be relatively expensive, especially for businesses with limited budgets or smaller teams. The cost increases as additional features and capabilities are required.
  • Complexity for beginners: Due to its extensive feature set, HubSpot may have a steeper learning curve for beginners who are new to marketing automation or CRM platforms.
  • Limited customization in lower-tier plans: Some advanced customization options and features may only be available in higher-tier plans, limiting the flexibility for businesses on lower budget plans.

GoHighLevel vs HubSpot: User Experience

GoHighLevel User Experience:

  • Intuitive Interface: GoHighLevel is known for its user-friendly and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to navigate and access the various features and tools.
  • Streamlined Workflows: The platform focuses on simplifying and streamlining workflows, allowing users to efficiently manage their marketing and sales activities.
  • Customizable Dashboards: GoHighLevel offers customizable dashboards, enabling users to personalize their workspace and access the most relevant information and metrics.
  • Training and Support: GoHighLevel offers thorough training materials and support to assist customers in becoming familiar with the platform fast and utilising its features to the fullest.
  • Mobile App: GoHighLevel offers a mobile app, allowing users to access and manage their campaigns and tasks on the go.

Hubspot User Experience:

  • Well-organized interface: HubSpot offers a well-organized and structured interface, making it easy for users to navigate between different modules and tools.
  • Extensive Documentation: HubSpot provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and knowledge base resources to support users in learning and using the platform effectively.
  • Community Forum: HubSpot has a vibrant community forum where users can connect, ask questions, and share insights and best practices.
  • Learning Curve: Due to its wide range of features and capabilities, HubSpot may have a learning curve for users who are new to marketing automation or CRM platforms.
  • Mobile App: HubSpot offers a mobile app that allows users to access key features and data on their mobile devices.

Frequently Asked Questions: Go High Level Vs Hubspot

What are the key differences between GoHighLevel and HubSpot?

While both platforms offer marketing and sales automation features, there are some key differences. GoHighLevel is specifically built for agencies and focuses on streamlining workflows. HubSpot, on the other hand, offers a broader range of features and is known for its extensive inbound marketing capabilities.

Which platform is more suitable for agencies?

GoHighLevel is specifically designed for agencies and offers features such as agency snapshots, reputation management, and white labeling. It provides scalability and financial benefits for agencies. HubSpot, while not exclusively for agencies, offers comprehensive marketing and sales tools that can be utilized by agencies as well.

Which platform is more user-friendly?

Both platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, but GoHighLevel is often praised for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface. HubSpot, while also user-friendly, may have a slightly steeper learning curve due to its extensive features.

How does the pricing compare between GoHighLevel and HubSpot?

GoHighLevel offers competitive pricing packages starting from $97 per month, while HubSpot’s pricing starts at $30 per month for its CRM and can increase based on additional features and users.

Why is GoHighLevel better than Hubspot?


GoHighLevel is specifically built for agencies, providing dedicated features like agency snapshots, reputation management, and white labeling. It caters to the unique needs and workflows of agencies, making it a preferred choice for those in the industry.

Simplified All-in-One Solution

GoHighLevel offers a comprehensive suite of marketing and sales automation tools within a single platform. It includes features such as CRM, email marketing, landing page creation, automation workflows, payment tools, and analytics. This consolidation of functionalities simplifies the process for agencies, eliminating the need for multiple applications and reducing costs.

Scalability and Flexibility 

GoHighLevel provides scalability, allowing agencies to grow their business without limitations. It offers flexible pricing options and the ability to create custom pricing plans, making it easier to align with different client needs. This flexibility enables agencies to adapt and scale their operations effectively.

Two-Way Communication 

GoHighLevel allows for two-way communication with leads and customers through various channels, including SMS messages, Facebook messages, Instagram DMs, Google Business messages, and WhatsApp messages. This enhances customer engagement and provides a more personalized experience.

User-Friendly Interface 

GoHighLevel is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. It is designed to be easy to navigate, making it accessible for users of all technical levels. This reduces the learning curve and allows agencies to quickly onboard new team members.

Why is Hubspot better than GoHighLevel?

Extensive Inbound Marketing Capability 

HubSpot is renowned for its comprehensive suite of inbound marketing tools. It offers a wide range of features, including CRM, content management system (CMS), email marketing, social media management, and analytics. This robust set of functionalities allows businesses to implement sophisticated inbound marketing strategies and effectively attract, engage, and convert leads.

Certified Partner Network

HubSpot has a certified partner program that provides access to experts who are trained in implementing and maximizing the platform’s potential. These partners offer specialized knowledge and guidance to help businesses get the most out of HubSpot’s features and achieve their marketing goals.

Strong Support and Community 

HubSpot provides exceptional customer support and offers a vast community of users and experts. Their support team is readily available to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. Additionally, the HubSpot community provides a platform for users to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and seek advice from peers.

User-Friendly Interface

HubSpot offers a user-friendly interface with a well-organized dashboard and intuitive navigation. It is designed to be accessible and easy to use, even for users with limited technical expertise. This simplifies the learning process and allows businesses to quickly adapt and leverage the platform’s capabilities.

Market Leader and Brand Recognition 

HubSpot is a well-established and widely recognized brand in the marketing industry. It has a strong reputation for innovation, thought leadership, and staying at the forefront of marketing trends. Choosing HubSpot can provide businesses with a sense of credibility and assurance in their marketing efforts.

Final Thoughts: GoHighLevel Vs Hubspot 

In conclusion, the choice between GoHighLevel and HubSpot ultimately depends on your specific business needs and objectives. Both platforms offer a range of features and functionalities designed to enhance your marketing and sales efforts. Here are some final thoughts to consider:

GoHighLevel is a powerful all-in-one platform that simplifies marketing and sales processes. It excels in providing a comprehensive suite of tools for agencies and businesses looking for a streamlined solution. GoHighLevel offers features like CRM, email marketing, landing page creation, automation workflows, and more. It is known for its user-friendly interface and scalability, making it a popular choice for those seeking an intuitive and customizable platform.

On the other hand, HubSpot is a market leader with a strong focus on inbound marketing. It offers an extensive range of tools for CRM, content management, social media, email marketing, and analytics. HubSpot’s certified partner network and robust customer support contribute to its reputation as a reliable and widely recognized platform. It is especially appropriate for well-established companies and enterprises searching for a complete marketing automation solution.

It’s critical to thoroughly consider your business needs, budget, and desired features when choosing between the two. Take into account aspects like usability, scalability, customer service, and the precise marketing and sales functions that complement your objectives. To better understand each platform’s advantages and disadvantages, it can be useful to test both of them out. You can also ask trusted peers or professionals in the field for guidance. Sign Up on these platforms through our Affiliate link, and you will get one month of FREE expert assistance.

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