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Kartra Review 2024: What’s New in the All-in-One Business Tool?

Starting a business online means handling many tasks like designing websites, managing leads, and marketing through emails. Kartra is a tool made by Genesis Digital that promises to make these jobs easier. It’s a single platform that combines different things like hosting videos, creating sales plans, managing memberships, sending emails, and more. If you struggle with these tasks separately, Kartra puts them all together. People like Frank Kern recommend it, saying it does a lot of things well. I’ve used it for over two years on and off, and it’s changed a lot since I started. In this review, In this Kartra Review, I’ll talk about how Kartra helps with my online business, who might benefit from it, and who might not. Let’s see if Kartra is the right tool for making your online business simpler.

Key Points:

  • Kartra, combines various online business tasks like video hosting, sales planning, email marketing, and more into a single platform, recommended by influencers like Frank Kern.
  • Kartra is an all-in-one platform offering hosting, web page creation, payment handling, email marketing, video management, SMS marketing, and customer support.
  • It caters to diverse businesses including shops, dentists, restaurants, digital product sellers, course creators, and coaches, offering user-friendly features for both beginners and tech-savvy users.
  • Kartra is suitable for course creators, coaches, consultants, membership site managers, small online businesses, and marketing agencies, simplifying web page creation, product selling, sales setup, customer management, and marketing efforts.
  • Its tools cover a wide spectrum including Checkout for payment options, Funnels and Campaigns for smoother sales, and features for surveys, quizzes, page creation, email marketing, video hosting, leads management, memberships, helpdesks, affiliate management, and analytics.
  • The platform is cost-effective, time-saving, secure, and offers comprehensive support, user-friendly interface, analytical capability, and training resources, making it a versatile tool for various businesses.
  • While Kartra excels in offering comprehensive features, it lacks standout elite features and might not be suitable for businesses needing complex setups or advanced marketing strategies.
  • Alternatives to Kartra, such as GoHighLevel,, ClickFunnels 2.0, LearnWorlds, and Mighty Networks, each offer specialized features catering to different business needs, allowing businesses to select based on specific requirements and priorities.

What is Kartra?

Kartra is an all-in-one platform made for people starting or running digital businesses. It’s like having a big office building where every department works together smoothly. This platform has everything needed for online business tasks: hosting, making web pages, handling payments, emails, managing affiliates, videos, SMS marketing, and customer support. It aims to make running a business easier, save time, and cut costs while doing a decent job with each tool. It’s not exceptional at one thing, but it covers a lot. Many types of businesses use Kartra, like shops, dentists, restaurants, digital and physical product sellers, course creators, coaches, and more. It’s user-friendly for both beginners and experienced tech users.

Founded in 2018 by Genesis Digital, the same team behind WebinarJam, Kartra is always updated and stores your data safely in the cloud. It doesn’t need extra downloads, and it provides ready-to-use sales funnels that save time and effort. Overall, it’s a versatile tool for various businesses aiming to simplify their online operations.

Who is Kartra for?

Kartra is perfect for various types of businesses and individuals. If you create courses, coach people, offer consultancy services, manage membership sites, or sell digital products like ebooks, Kartra is designed for you. It’s also great for small online businesses, marketing agencies, and anyone starting their online journey. It helps you easily create web pages, sell products, set up sales systems, manage customers, and send effective marketing emails without needing to spend a lot or have advanced tech skills. It’s not the best fit for big businesses needing complex setups or advanced marketing strategies. If you’re a beginner or need to save time and money while running your online business, Kartra could be the ideal solution for you. Whether you’re a solopreneur, consultant, course creator, coach, or run an online business, Kartra offers an affordable and straightforward way to manage your online operations effectively.

Kartra Features

Kartra has many tools to help businesses sell products and manage customers. Its Checkout features let businesses set different payment options like one-time payments or monthly payments. You can also offer trials or discounts to attract customers. With Checkout, businesses can also add extra items during the purchase to increase sales.

Using Funnels and Campaigns, users can connect web pages, emails, and sales processes to sell products smoothly. Kartra makes it easy to create surveys and quizzes to understand customers better. It also helps in making attractive web pages easily with different designs and options.

The Email feature lets users create professional-looking emails and send them to customers. Businesses can track how well their emails perform using this feature. Videos can also be uploaded and shared with customers through Kartra.

For managing customers, Kartra has a tool called Leads that keeps track of customer information. It helps businesses understand where customers are in the buying process. The platform also has a system to offer courses and gated content to customers who purchase them.

Kartra has a support system that allows businesses to help their customers better. They can provide live chat support, manage customer questions efficiently, and even run affiliate programs to promote their products.

The platform also offers detailed reports about how well businesses are doing. It helps them understand which parts of their business work best and which need improvement. Additionally, Kartra allows businesses to find experts or services through its Marketplace.

Overall, Kartra provides many tools to help businesses sell their products, manage customers, and improve their services.

Checkout FeaturesPricing Options
One-time payment, recurring payments, and installments
Flexible structures for different products/services
offers trial periods allowing customers to test before purchase
ability to charge for limited access trials
Creation of codes for discounts during sales/marketing campaigns
Checkout Styles
single-step or multi-step checkout processes
Billing Management
Changes in product pricing, discounts, and subscription plans
Rescheduling payments for recurring plans
Editing payment options for customers
Subscription pauses for customers
Average Order Value Optimization
Order Bumps, Upsells, Downsells, Cross-Sells
Funnels and Campaignsconnects various elements (lead capture, sales pages, etc.)
drag-and-drop builder with automation
Premade campaigns for easy setup
Surveys and Quizzesdrag-and-drop builder for creating surveys
drag-and-drop builder for creating surveys
automated funnel and campaign integration based on responses
PagesTemplates for quick page creation
Customization options, Integration with funnels
responsiveness, Branding options
Emaildrag-and-drop email builder
A/B split test campaigns, Custom tags
Automation through funnels and campaigns
VideosNative video hosting and delivery
Tagging based on video consumption
responsive across devices
LeadsComprehensive lead management and CRM
Detailed information, Communication logs, Sales pipeline design
MembershipsHosting and delivery of gated content
Tiered access, Dripped content, Progress tracking
Notifications, Management tools
HelpdesksLive chat support, Ticket assignment, Canned responses
FAQs, Refunds/Cancellations
Affiliate ManagementCommission structures, Affiliate sign-up pages
PayPal adaptive payments, Custom landing pages
CalendarsEmbeddable calendars with branding options
Payment settings for bookings, Scheduling
AgencyDashboard overview of client accounts
Reselling or managing client accounts
Integrations and API AccessNative integrations with various platforms
Zapier integration for broader connectivity
API access for developers
AnalyticsComprehensive analytics, Integration with Google Analytics
MarketplaceHiring experts, Listing offers, and access to done-for-you campaigns
Help and SupportEmail, Live chat, Training portal, Q&A sessions
Facebook group, Technical documentation (wiki format)
Kartra Features

Kartra Pros and Cons

Kartra Pros:

Cost-Effective and Time-Saving: Subscribing to Kartra consolidates multiple tools into one, saving money and time by eliminating the need for various subscriptions and platform-switching.

Business Security: Avoids data integration errors or downtime by offering an all-in-one platform, ensuring smoother operations.

Comprehensive Support: Provides tools, training, blueprints, and an extensive community for businesses to start, run, and expand operations.

User-Friendly: Kartra boasts a small learning curve with pre-made templates for complex features like sales funnels, making it easy to navigate and operate.

Analytical Capability: The platform allows easy analysis and modification of connected features, offering great insights into business performance.

Training and Community: Offers free training and a supportive community of over 23,000 professionals aiding in mutual success.

All-in-One Platform: Eliminates the need for third-party subscriptions.

30-day Trial and 0% Transaction Fees: Affordable trial period and no additional transaction fees.

Native Course and Membership Builder: Enables creation and delivery of courses and memberships within the platform.

Kartra Cons:

Jack of All Trades: Lacks a standout elite feature; while it offers many tools, there might be better individual tools elsewhere for specific functionalities like templates, marketing automation, or CRM.

Limited Inbound Marketing: Missing features for creating blogs or running ads within the platform, requiring integration with other services like Facebook or WordPress.

Restrictions on Starter Plan: The Starter plan’s limitations, such as 2,500 leads, might be inadequate for many small businesses, compelling them to opt for pricier plans.

Pricing: Higher tiers might be expensive for users with significant leads or domain requirements.

Kartra’s Pricing

Starter Plan: For $99 per month (billed annually), the Starter plan is perfect for beginners. It allows up to 2,500 contacts, uses one language, manages one website, and supports a team of up to five members. This plan is ideal for those starting a business online and needing basic tools.

Growth Plan: Priced at $189 monthly (annually billed), the Growth plan suits businesses aiming to expand. It handles up to 12,500 contacts, has unlimited language options, three websites, and accommodates ten team members. It’s great for businesses growing and needing more tools.

Professional Plan: At $429 per month (annual billing), the Professional plan targets larger businesses. It supports up to 25,000 contacts, offers unlimited languages, and five websites, and manages twenty team members. This plan is for big businesses needing advanced tools to manage a larger audience and diverse needs.

Is Kartra worth it?

Kartra is a good investment for your business. It does a lot of important things well, all in one place, and at a reasonable price.

It helps with:

  • Selling your products
  • Creating web pages
  • Organizing your customer info
  • Running automated marketing plans
  • Sending emails or text messages
  • Managing membership sites
  • Handling affiliates
  • Hosting videos
  • Providing customer support

With Kartra, you can easily:

  • Build a website
  • Make pages to sell your stuff
  • Accept different payment methods
  • Manage your contacts for marketing
  • Set up automatic plans to sell more
  • Get other people to help sell your products
  • Use different ways to advertise, like emails or videos
  • Help your customers with any problems or questions they have

If you’re using lots of different tools for your business, Kartra could save you a lot of money and time because it combines everything in one place. You can focus more on growing your business and less on managing different tools.

But, it might not be right for everyone. For example, if you have more than 50,000 people on your email list or if you sell physical products instead of digital ones, Kartra might not have everything you need. It’s made for people who sell things like online courses or eBooks.

Kartra Alternatives


Tailored for agencies and businesses, GoHighLevel focuses on sales pipeline management and marketing. Its standout features include a sales pipeline tracker, white-label solutions, and a mobile app for lead management. However, it lacks certain features for selling physical products compared to Kartra, starting at $97/month with two subscription plans. I have written a detailed comparison of “Gohighlevel vs Kartra”, give it a read. 

Disclosure: Iloveghl is an independent entity. We participate in the GoHighLevel affiliate program, meaning that if you sign up for GoHighLevel through our affiliate links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost. Our recommendations and opinions are entirely our own, and we are committed to providing honest and unbiased information to help you make the best decision for your needs. This support helps maintain and grow, allowing us to continue offering valuable content and resources. Your support is greatly appreciated. is a versatile marketing platform catering to course sellers, freelancers, consultants, and small business owners. Its free forever plan and core features like funnel building, email marketing, online course creation, and affiliate programs make it a compelling alternative to Kartra. Despite lacking agency features and starting at $0/month, it provides migration support and native evergreen webinar functionalities.

ClickFunnels 2.0

ClickFunnels 2.0 is an all-in-one platform focusing on advertising, hosting, and selling digital and physical products. With key features such as funnel building, website creation, e-commerce capabilities, courses, membership sites, email marketing, and CRM tools, it stands out for its robust funnel features and webinar hosting capabilities. It has a starting price of $127/month, offering three subscription plans.


Specifically designed for course creation, hosting, and sales, LearnWorlds offers advanced course-related features, SCORM/HTML 5 compliance, and various engagement tools. With a primary focus on selling courses, it starts at a lower price point of $24/month, compared to Kartra, catering to those emphasizing course sales.

Mighty Networks

As a community platform with course creation and hosting capabilities, Mighty Networks emphasizes engagement and diverse event creation, available through an Android and iOS app. With a starting price of $33/month and a focus on courses and communities, it offers various content types but a limited range of product types compared to Kartra.

These alternatives each excel in different areas, from funnel building to course creation, catering to diverse business needs. Assessing specific requirements in terms of features, pricing, and focus will guide in choosing the ideal alternative to Kartra for individual business strategies.


Kartra is great for businesses wanting to find leads, set up appointments, and sell stuff. It’s especially helpful for folks making courses or membership sites. But it’s missing a few things like blogs and a proper online store. Also, it can get pricey if you’ve got lots of contacts. If you’re starting an online business or don’t want to dive deep into marketing, Kartra could be a good fit. People like Frank Kern, who has big audiences, really like it. It’s handy if you don’t have a team of marketers, writers, and designers for your online business.

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