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GoHighLevel vs. PipelinePRO: Which CRM Suits Your Needs?

Stuck picking between GoHighLevel and PipelinePRO for your business? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In today’s digital world, businesses often turn to marketing tools like GoHighLevel and PipelinePRO to boost their sales and outreach efforts. However, it’s important to know that PipelinePRO is built on GoHighLevel. This article makes it easy to understand what each platform offers, like managing customers, building sales funnels, and growing your business. We’ll compare GoHighLevel vs. PipelinePRO features, prices, and how easy they are to use, so you can pick the perfect one for you, whether you’re a pro or just starting. Read on and find the key to unlocking your business’s success!

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What are GoHighLevel and PipelinePRO and how are they related?

GoHighLevel and PipelinePRO are both marketing automation platforms designed to help businesses streamline their marketing, sales, and customer relationship management processes. In simple terms, there’s a close connection between PipelinePRO and GoHighLevel. PipelinePRO is built on top of GoHighLevel’s platform. This means that while PipelinePRO is advertised as its separate platform, it relies on the tools and structure provided by GoHighLevel.

Although PipelinePRO and GoHighLevel may seem like separate services, they share the same foundation. However, they have differences in how they’re priced and marketed, which can confuse users about their relationship and what they offer.

Key Points:

  • PipelinePRO is built on GoHighLevel’s platform but is not officially part of it.
  • While PipelinePRO may seem cheaper at first, watch out for potential higher costs for specific features.
  • GoHighLevel offers more features through monthly subscriptions.

Choosing the Best Option:

  • Think about what you need in the long term and how much you can afford.
  • If you want all the features right away, GoHighLevel might be better.
  • If you’re starting and want to save money upfront, PipelinePRO’s initial fee might look appealing but think about future costs too.

Overview of GoHighLevel and PipelinePro: Features, Benefits, and Target Audience

Certainly! Here’s an overview comparing GoHighLevel and PipelinePRO, covering their features, benefits, and target audience:

Features and Capabilities:


  1. GoHighLevel offers a comprehensive suite of marketing automation tools designed to streamline various aspects of a business’s operations.
  2. Its tools include finding new leads, sending emails and texts, making sales paths, scheduling appointments, managing customer relationships, and more.
  3. GoHighLevel also provides advanced features such as pipeline management, website and landing page builders, social media management, and integrated analytics.


  1. PipelinePRO, built on the GoHighLevel infrastructure, offers similar features to GoHighLevel with a focus on marketing automation and sales funnel optimization.
  2. Its feature set includes lead capture and management, email and SMS marketing, funnel creation, CRM, and analytics.
  3. PipelinePRO aims to simplify marketing and sales processes for businesses, providing tools to automate repetitive tasks and optimize conversion rates.



GoHighLevel is easy to use and helps businesses with their marketing. It lets businesses customize their marketing to fit what they need. It also helps track how well marketing campaigns are doing. GoHighLevel is for all kinds of businesses. It’s good for small ones and big ones. It helps people who sell things, like marketers, and people who offer services.


PipelinePRO tries to do the same things as GoHighLevel. It lets businesses do their marketing and track how well it’s working. But it’s like a copy of GoHighLevel, taking all its features.

PipelinePRO is for businesses too, but it’s simpler. It’s for people who want to do marketing but don’t need all the fancy stuff. It’s like a simpler version of GoHighLevel.

Pricing Models: Comparing Costs and Value Propositions


GoHighLevel has simple prices. It starts at $97 every month, and you get everything it has. There aren’t any extra fees, so you know what you’re paying for. With GoHighLevel, you can do a bunch of things for marketing and managing customers. It’s a good deal because you get lots of tools for the money you pay. Deciding if GoHighLevel is worth it depends on what you need for your business. It might not be the cheapest, but it gives you many tools to help with marketing and managing customers. You can pick from different plans based on what your business needs. With everything GoHighLevel offers, like sales funnels, email tools, and appointment booking, it can help your business work better and save time.

GoHighLevel Pricing Table

Features$97/month (Agency Starter)$297/month (Agency Freelance)$497/month (Agency PRO)
Locations/Client AccountsMaximum of 2UnlimitedUnlimited
Support24-hour technical support via chat24-hour live chat support24-hour live chat support
Marketplace Services and ConsultingYesYesYes
HighLevel Facebook Community GroupYesYesYes
Help Videos SectionYesYesYes
Whitelabel Mobile AppYou can use Lead Connector or the GoHighLevel App, but you can’t make the app look like it’s your own for your agency or SaaS.You can use lead connector or GoHighlevel App but can’t white label the app for your agency or SaaSYou can Whitelabel Lead connector or GoHighlevel App for your Agency or SaaS
Sub-Account Creation (Automatic)Not availableCan set up a workflow to send clients an email with login details after manually creating sub-accountsAvailable
Email/Phone/Text RebillingMarkup not available. Clients can be rebilled at 1.05% (plus Stripe transaction charges)Markup is not available. Clients can be rebilled at 1.05% (plus Stripe transaction charges)Available
Split TestingNot availableNot availableAvailable
Advanced API AccessNot availableNot availableAvailable
Agent ReportingNot availableNot availableAvailable
AI Conversational BotNot availableNot availableAvailable


PipelinePRO might seem like a good deal at first because it says you only have to pay $37 one time. This makes it look like you get to use it forever. But when people sign up, they find out they have to pay $97 every month to use any features. This can end up costing more in the long run compared to GoHighLevel. Even though PipelinePRO has similar features to GoHighLevel, it’s more expensive.

Customer Reviews: What do real users say about GoHighLevel and PipelinePro


Lots of people like using GoHighLevel because it’s easy to use and has lots of features. They think the platform is easy to understand and like how it helps with marketing and managing customers. People also like GoHighLevel’s tools for checking how well their marketing is doing and making smart decisions. Overall, users give GoHighLevel high ratings and say it’s a good choice for businesses that want to grow.


Even though PipelinePRO has good features, it struggles with helping customers. Some users say they have to wait a long time for help and sometimes don’t get good answers. One person even said they didn’t get any help for four days, even when they asked the owner. This makes PipelinePRO not very good for users.

Many people had a bad experience with PipelinePRO’s customer service. They said even though the software is good, they had trouble getting help when they needed it. After trying many times to get help and not getting any, they switched to a different platform called GoHighLevel. Moving to GoHighLevel was a big change and made them realize how important it is to have good customer service when choosing software.

When comparing PipelinePRO with GoHighLevel, it’s important to know that PipelinePRO is built on GoHighLevel. But they don’t say this directly. While PipelinePRO seems good, its pricing can be tricky. They say it costs $37 at first, but then you find out it’s $97 each month. GoHighLevel is more straightforward. You pay $97 each month and get everything you need. So, in the end, GoHighLevel might be a better choice for most people.


In simple terms, when comparing GoHighLevel and PipelinePRO, GoHighLevel is the better option. GoHighLevel has clear pricing and lots of helpful features. Users like how easy it is to use and how it helps with marketing and sales. On the other hand, PipelinePRO has issues with customer service and its pricing can be confusing. People have complained about waiting a long time for help and finding out they have to pay more than they expected. Overall, businesses are better off choosing GoHighLevel for its transparency, ease of use, and reliability.

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