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Top 6 Learnworlds Alternatives in 2024

If you want to make and sell your courses online, you might know about Learnworlds. Learnworlds is a popular and easy-to-use website where you can make fun courses with videos and e-books. It also helps you tell people about your courses and sell them. But Learnworlds isn’t the only choice. Other websites might be better for you, depending on what you need and how much you want to spend. In this article, we’ll talk about the Top 6 Learnworlds Alternatives in 2024. We’ll look at what’s good and not so good about each one, what features they have, how they work with other tools, and how much they cost. By the end, you’ll know which website is the best one for you to use.

What is LearnWorlds

LearnWorlds is a website where people and businesses can make, sell, and teach online courses. It has many tools to help with different kinds of learning. Here’s who might find it useful:

  • Teachers and trainers: They can use LearnWorlds to make interesting courses for their students. They can also keep track of how well their students are doing.
  • Businesses: Companies can use LearnWorlds to train their employees or teach their customers about their products. They can also make money by selling courses online.
  • Individuals: Anyone who knows something interesting can use LearnWorlds to teach it to others.

Here are some things you can do with LearnWorlds:

  • Make courses easily: Even if you’re not good with computers, you can still take courses on LearnWorlds.
  • Customize your courses: You can change how your courses look and feel to make them special.
  • Sell your courses: LearnWorlds helps you tell lots of people about your courses so you can sell them well.
  • Keep students interested: LearnWorlds has things like quizzes and discussions to make learning fun.

Overall, LearnWorlds is a great website for people and businesses who want to teach online.

Why Seek Alternatives to Learnworlds?

Even though LearnWorlds has many features for making and teaching online courses, you might want to look for other options for a few reasons:

  1. Price: LearnWorlds can be expensive, especially for people who are just starting to teach online. The price changes based on what features you want and how many people will be using the courses, which might not be good for everyone.
  1. Changing how things look: While you can change some things on LearnWorlds, you might not be able to control everything like you want to. This might be a problem if you want your courses to look a certain way or have a special style.
  1. Selling courses: LearnWorlds has some tools to help you sell your courses, but they might not be as good as what you can get from other places that focus on marketing. This might be a problem if you need to do a lot of marketing to get people to buy your courses.
  1. Special features: Some other websites might be better if you have specific things you need. For example, if you want to make simple courses that people can do at their own pace, you might like Teachable better because it’s easier to use and costs less.

Deciding to use something other than LearnWorlds depends on what you need, how much you want to spend, and what’s most important to you. It’s important to look at different websites and think about things like what features they have, how much they cost if they’re easy to use, and if they can grow with you.

Factors to Consider When Exploring Alternatives

When you’re looking at other choices instead of Learnworlds, there are some important things to think about. First, you need to see if the other platforms have the things you need to make your courses, like tools for making the courses, changing them to look how you want, getting students involved, checking how well they’re doing, and looking at the data. Then, you should look at how much it costs to use each platform. You need to compare the prices to see if they fit your budget and if you get good value for what you pay. Also, it’s important to see if the platforms are easy to use. You want to find ones that are easy to understand, have tools that are simple to use, and make it easy for both teachers and students to learn. Other things to think about are if you can change things to make them how you want, if the platforms work well with other tools you use if you can get help when you need it, and if they can grow with you as you get more students, and if there’s a community to help you out. By thinking about all these things, you can pick the platform that’s right for you and what you want to do with your online courses.

Top Alternatives to Learnworlds: A Comparative Analysis

GoHighLevel Best Alternatives of Learnworlds 

GoHighLevel helps businesses by making sales easier and bringing in more potential customers. GoHighLevel has special features like making membership websites, creating specific pages to attract customers, doing a lot of marketing automatically, and using robots to talk to customers.

GoHighLevel is different because it has many tools for marketing and can work with other software to fit different needs. It also has advanced features like letting you put your brand on things, letting other software talk to it, trying out different things to see what works, and a robot that’s easy to use.

When it comes to how much it costs, GoHighLevel has different plans. The Starter plan costs $97 each month, the Pro plan costs $297 each month, and there’s also an Agency plan that costs $497 every month.

Disclosure: Iloveghl is an independent entity. We participate in the GoHighLevel affiliate program, which means that if you sign up for GoHighLevel through our affiliate links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Our recommendations and opinions are entirely our own, and we are committed to providing honest and unbiased information to help you make the best decision for your needs. This support helps maintain and grow, allowing us to continue offering valuable content and resources. Your support is greatly appreciated.

GoHighLevel Pricing Table

Features$97/month (Agency Starter)$297/month (Agency Freelance)GoHighLevel (SaaS Plan)
Locations/Client AccountsMaximum of 2UnlimitedUnlimited
Support24-hour technical support via chat24-hour live chat support24-hour live chat support
Marketplace Services and ConsultingYesYesYes
HighLevel Facebook Community GroupYesYesYes
Help Videos SectionYesYesYes
Whitelabel Mobile AppYou can use leadconnector or GoHighlevel App but can’t white label the app for your agency or SaaSYou can use lead connector or GoHighlevel App but can’t white label the app for your agency or SaaSYou can Whitelabel Lead connector or GoHighlevel App for your Agency or SaaS
Sub-Account Creation (Automatic)Not availableCan set up a workflow to send clients an email with login details after manually creating sub-accountsAvailable
Email/Phone/Text RebillingMarkup is not available. Clients can be rebilled at 1.05% (plus Stripe transaction charges)Markup is not available. Clients can be rebilled at 1.05% (plus Stripe transaction charges)Available
Split TestingNot availableNot availableAvailable
Advanced API AccessNot availableNot availableAvailable
Agent ReportingNot availableNot availableAvailable
AI Conversational BotNot availableNot availableAvailable


Kajabi is a website made for people who run businesses, teach things, or are famous online. It’s easy to work with others to make and manage content. It also helps you see how your customers are doing, so you can guess how much they’ll be involved. You can change emails to look how you want and make special pages where people can see your stuff. You can also make emails to tell people about your stuff and let them download digital things. Kajabi lets you try it out for free for 14 days, and after that, you can choose different plans. The Basic plan costs $149 every month, the Growth plan costs $199 every month, and the Pro plan costs $399 every month. It works with PayPal and Stripe to make it easy for people to pay you.


Teachable is a website where you can make and sell classes online. Some cool things it can do include making special website links, creating different sales pages, and working together with other people. It’s easy to use whether you want everyone to learn at the same time, on their own, or a mix of both. You can also keep track of how everyone is doing and see how many people are buying your classes. Prices start at $39 each month for Basic, $119 each month for Pro, and $119 each month for Business plans. They also have a free version you can use.


Thinkific is a website where you can take classes online. People like it because it’s easy to use and they give good help when you need it. It lets you change a lot of things to make your classes special. They also have a new thing called an app store that helps you make good-class stuff easily. Some important things it can do include making templates, showing the way people should learn, telling people when things happen, giving practice tests, and managing class stuff. Prices start at $49 each month for Basic, $99 each month for Pro, and $119 each month for Premier plans. They also have a free version you can try.


Podia is a website where you can make classes without needing to know how to code. It’s easy to use and doesn’t cost a lot. Some important things it can do include letting you drag and drop to design your classes, letting you schedule when people can take them, letting people download digital stuff, doing classes live, and having a way for people to make money by telling others about your classes. Prices start at $4 each month for Mover, $33 for Shaker, and $59 for Earthquaker plans. They also have a free version you can try.


Teachery is a website made by people who create classes themselves. It’s easy to use and doesn’t have any extra fees. You can take as many classes as you want, and as many people can take them as they want. It also lets you have your website address, work with other email tools, get help when you need it, and make money by telling others about your classes. You can pay each month for $49, pay each year for $470, or try it for free for 14 days.

Key Differentiators Among Learnworlds Alternatives

What makes other options different from Learnworlds is the special things they can do. For example, websites like Teachable might be cheaper or let you pay in different ways, while others like Kajabi might be good at getting bigger as you need more classes and students. Another thing that makes them different is how easy they are to use. Some, like Podia, are made to be simple and easy for anyone to use, especially if you’re just starting. Also, some have better support than others. For example, Teachable might give you help with email and phone if you pay, but others like Teachfloor might give you help anytime with email or live chat, even if you don’t pay. Knowing these differences can help you pick the right website for making and teaching your classes online.


In conclusion, Looking at other choices instead of Learnworlds shows us many different websites with special things, different prices, and ways to use them. Even though Learnworlds is still popular for taking classes online, it’s important to think about what each person needs. In this comparison, we’ve talked about what makes other choices different from Learnworlds, like the special things they can do and how much they cost. By thinking about these things, people can pick the website that’s best for them to make and teach fun classes online. Whether they care more about how much it costs, how many people can take their classes, or how easy it is to use, there are many choices to help them make awesome classes for students all over the world.

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