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Best GoHighLevel Real Estate Agents Snapshot

In the rapidly evolving world of real estate, staying ahead of the game requires cutting-edge tools and strategies. Enter GetExtendly’s GoHighLevel Real Estate Agents Snapshot, a comprehensive and all-in-one solution designed to revolutionize the way real estate agents attract, nurture, and convert leads.

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Why GetExtendly GoHighLevel Snapshots for Real Estate Agents?

GetExtendly’s GoHighLevel Snapshot is not just another marketing tool—it’s a game-changer specifically crafted for real estate agents. Here’s why it’s the top choice:

Tailored for Real Estate Agents

While other snapshots may offer generic solutions, GetExtendly focuses exclusively on the needs of real estate professionals. The 13 designed funnels, proven workflows, and lead pipelines are strategically aligned with the intricacies of the real estate industry.

Unmatched Personalization

Your brand is unique, and GetExtendly understands that. The snapshot is fully customizable to seamlessly integrate with any brand and logo, ensuring your identity shines through in every interaction.

Comprehensive Support and Training

GetExtendly doesn’t just provide a tool—it provides a complete support system. With tech support, full setup assistance, and 3 months of free coaching, you’re not just getting a snapshot; you’re gaining a team of experts dedicated to your success.

Pros of Purchasing GetExtendly GoHighLevel Snapshots

Investing in GetExtendly’s GoHighLevel Snapshot offers a myriad of advantages that set it apart from the competition:

All-Inclusive Package

From tech support to setup assistance and a year of updates, GetExtendly provides everything you need to hit the ground running. This comprehensive package ensures you have the tools and knowledge to succeed.

Targeted Nurturing

The pre-made nurturing workflows are made just for the real estate world. This means your potential clients get the right info when they need it most, making it more likely they’ll become actual customers.

Maximizing Facebook Advertising

The bonus video course and ad templates are invaluable assets for any real estate agent looking to harness the power of Facebook advertising. With step-by-step guidance, you’ll be equipped to generate a steady stream of high-quality leads.

Unbeatable Value

At a limited-time price of $495 (regularly $995), the Lead Gen Real Estate Agent Snapshot from GetExtendly offers an incredible value proposition. With a total value of $1,889, this snapshot is a cost-effective solution that delivers results.

GetExtendly’s GoHighLevel Real Estate Agents Snapshot, with its array of features and exceptional value, is poised to be the game-changer you’ve been searching for. 

The Ultimate Real Estate Snapshot: What’s Included

Snapshot Tech Support & Full Setup Support

GetExtendly provides not only the snapshot itself but also the support you need to implement it seamlessly. With dedicated tech support and full setup assistance, you’ll be up and running in no time.

1 Year of Updates

In the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, staying current is key. GetExtendly ensures you’re equipped with the latest features and strategies for an entire year.

Seamless Integration with Your Brand

13 Designed Funnels

Each funnel is meticulously crafted, with fully customizable designs to seamlessly integrate with any brand and logo. This level of personalization ensures that your brand identity shines through every interaction.

Copywriting Excellence

The included copy is not just generic text—it’s strategically written to drive conversions. What’s more, it’s easily adaptable to your specific values, making it a truly turnkey solution.


All that’s required is a domain, and you’re ready to start sending traffic to your page. GetExtendly’s solution is designed for maximum convenience.

Proven Workflows for Maximum Efficiency

Nurturing Workflows

Tailored workflows are provided for each funnel, ensuring that your leads are nurtured effectively. Content is pre-written to provide exceptional value, driving more sales for each property type.

Lead Pipelines

Managing leads has never been easier. Track the complete lead journey with easy-to-use pipelines, each divided into stages from initial contact to closure.

Targeted Nurture Sequences

Immediate Nurturing

Highly targeted sequences are in place to convert prospects right from the start. These sequences are designed to keep you top of mind, ensuring you’re the first choice when the time comes.

Educational SMS Tips

For Tier 2 and Tier 3 plans, pre-written SMS tips are included to provide ongoing value and engagement.

Year-Long Nurture Emails

Tier 2 and Tier 3 plans also include a set of 12 designed nurture emails, providing consistent value throughout the year.

Expert Support and Coaching

3 Months of Free Tech Support & Coaching

Installing and using the snapshot is made easy with hands-on support and training. GetExtendly doesn’t just offer tech support—they provide strategies and tactics to help grow your business.

The Bonus: Unleashing Facebook Advertising Power

9 Video Mini Course: “Securing 3-5 Real Estate Leads Daily with Facebook Ads”

Valued at $497, this comprehensive training empowers you to run winning real estate ads for yourself or your clients. With nine video lessons, you’ll be equipped to set up a powerful automation that brings in prospective clients daily.

12 Facebook Ad Templates

These templates, valued at $397, make promoting your listings a breeze. Combined with Facebook’s powerful advertising platform, you’ll have a winning strategy in your hands.

Getting Started Is a Breeze

Get Your Snapshot

Work with the confidence that you’re using one of the best snapshot solutions available.

Schedule Your 1-on-1

GetExtendly will guide you through setting up your snapshot and preparing it for launch.

Put It Into Action

Celebrate as you embark on a new level of real estate success.

The Limited Time Offer

For a limited time, the Lead Gen Real Estate Agent Snapshot is available at an astounding price of $495 (Regularly $995). This digital powerhouse includes a 13-funnel pack, 39 nurturing workflows, lead-to-close pipelines, and more—offering a total value of $1,889 for only $495.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer—unlock the potential of your real estate business today! Also, Getextendly provides white-label support for GoHighlevel.

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