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How to find a GoHighLevel expert

A Gohighlevel expert is someone who really knows how to make the most out of the Gohighlevel marketing tool. Gohighlevel is a special platform that helps businesses do their marketing tasks more easily. These experts understand all the features and tricks of Gohighlevel, making them really good at using it for successful marketing. In this article, we’ll talk about what a Gohighlevel expert does, who can benefit from their help, and where you can find them. If you’re a business owner looking to boost your marketing efforts, or a marketing person wanting to learn more, understanding what a Gohighlevel expert does can be a big help.

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What is GoHighLevel?

If you’re curious about Gohighlevel and what it means to be an expert in using this dynamic marketing tool, you’re in the right place. For those new to Gohighlevel, I’ve written a comprehensive article explaining “What is Gohighlevel”. In a nutshell, Gohighlevel is a powerful marketing automation platform designed to streamline and enhance digital marketing efforts. It provides many tools and features to help businesses create, manage, and optimize marketing campaigns, including email marketing, funnel building, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and more.

Who are GoHighlevel Experts?

A Gohighlevel expert is someone who knows Gohighlevel really well. Gohighlevel is a special platform that helps with lots of different parts of marketing, like making websites, setting up marketing plans, and sending emails. These experts have learned all about how Gohighlevel works so that they can use it in the best way for successful marketing.

To be a Gohighlevel expert, you need to be good at several things, like building websites, setting up marketing plans, sending emails, and organizing customer information. This is because Gohighlevel does a lot of different jobs for businesses. An expert knows how to put all these pieces together to make marketing really work.

Who Needs a GoHighLevel Expert?

Think about having a business and wanting to reach lots of people. Gohighlevel can help you do just that. It’s like having a super helper for your business. But, to use it really well, you might need a Gohighlevel expert.

If you want to create a website or a special path for your customers to follow (that’s called a funnel), a Gohighlevel expert can help you do that. They know all the right funnel recipes (funnel maps) and the steps to take.

Let’s say you have lots of things to do, and you want a smart system to do them automatically. This is where Gohighlevel’s workflows come in. But you’ll need a Gohighlevel expert with really good thinking skills to set it up so it works just right.

And if you want people to find your website easily on the internet, a Gohighlevel expert can help with that too. They can do SEO, which is like putting a spotlight on your website so it shows up higher when people search online.

So, whether you’re a small business owner trying to make things easier, or a big marketing team wanting to do really amazing things, having a Gohighlevel expert can make a big difference. 

How Can I Find a GoHighLevel Expert?

There are several avenues to find Gohighlevel experts:

Freelancing Platforms: Websites like Fiverr and Upwork have experienced Gohighlevel experts available for hire. You can browse profiles, review ratings, and select a candidate that fits your specific needs.

Best GoHighLevel experts on the Fiverr Platform

These are the best Gohighlevel experts on Fiverr platform, you can signup on Fiverr and send them your custom requirements, they will send you the quote and if it sounds good for you, you can hire them on Fiverr. You can check the reviews of the freelancers before hiring them.

Social Media and Forums: You’ll find communities of Gohighlevel experts on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook Groups, and marketing forums. Engaging with these communities is a great way to connect with experienced professionals.

Muhammad Nouman stands out as a top-rated Gohighlevel expert, highly regarded within the LinkedIn community. Feel free to reach out to him through LinkedIn to discuss your specific requirements.

Specialized Agencies: Some marketing agencies specialize in Gohighlevel and offer services provided by certified experts. These agencies can offer customized solutions to help you achieve your marketing objectives.

What services does a GoHighlevel expert usually provide?

Funnel Building

Gohighlevel experts possess extensive knowledge in creating highly effective and customized sales funnels using the platform. This involves strategically designing the flow of information and calls to action to lead visitors toward conversion. If you prefer not to start your funnel from scratch, Getextendly offers pre-made GoHighLevel snapshots tailored to your specific needs, providing a convenient solution for your funnel-building requirements. If you prefer not to start your funnel from scratch, Getextendly offers pre-made GoHighLevel snapshots tailored to your specific needs, providing a convenient solution for your funnel-building requirements.

Website Designing

Gohighlevel experts excel in designing and developing professional and user-friendly websites using the platform. These experts ensure that the website not only has an appealing visual design but also effectively conveys the brand’s message. This includes ensuring seamless navigation and clear calls to action to encourage conversions. If you prefer not to build your website from scratch, Getextendly offers pre-made GoHighLevel snapshots tailored to your specific needs, providing a convenient solution for your funnel-building requirements.

Membership Funnel

A membership funnel is a specialized type of sales funnel designed for businesses offering subscription-based services or courses. Gohighlevel experts can create a membership funnel using the platform, automating the process of onboarding new members, managing subscriptions, and providing access to exclusive content. This guarantees a smooth and effortless experience for both the business and its members.

Automation Planning

Automation is a key component of successful marketing campaigns. Gohighlevel experts have in-depth knowledge to help plan and implement automation strategies using the platform. This includes identifying areas where automation can be most beneficial, setting up triggers, and defining workflows to drive more sales and improve overall efficiency.

Trigger Setup & Workflow Setup

Triggers and workflows are essential components of automated marketing campaigns. Gohighlevel experts have the knowledge and experience to set up triggers that initiate specific actions based on user behavior or other predefined criteria. Additionally, they can create detailed workflows that guide leads through the sales process, ensuring they receive relevant content and offers at each stage.

Opportunity/Pipeline Setup

Setting up opportunities and pipelines is crucial for effectively managing leads and prospects. Gohighlevel experts can configure the platform to align with specific sales processes, ensuring that leads are properly categorized, tracked, and nurtured through each stage of the buyer’s journey. This helps maximize conversion rates and sales efficiency.


Providing responsive customer service is vital for building trust and retaining customers. Gohighlevel offers a live chat feature that allows for real-time interactions with website visitors. Gohighlevel experts can set up and customize the live chat functionality to ensure prompt responses and a seamless customer experience.

Calendar Setup with Integration

Booking appointments is a critical aspect of many businesses. Gohighlevel offers a calendar tool that streamlines the appointment scheduling process. Gohighlevel experts can integrate this tool into workflows, making it easy for customers to book appointments and for businesses to manage their schedules efficiently.

Lead connector Account Setup

Leadconnector is a powerful tool for automating communication through email and SMS. Gohighlevel experts can handle the technical setup of these platforms within Gohighlevel, ensuring that messaging campaigns run smoothly and effectively reach the target audience.

Dashboard Customization

Gohighlevel allows for extensive customization of the account dashboard. Gohighlevel experts can tailor the dashboard to match the branding, preferences, and specific reporting needs. This ensures a clear and organized view of marketing efforts and results.


Whitelabelling allows businesses to rebrand Gohighlevel’s platform as their own, providing a seamless experience for clients. Gohighlevel experts can guide through the process of whitelabelling, ensuring that clients interact with a branded interface that reflects the business identity.

Social Planner

Social media is a powerful marketing tool, and Gohighlevel offers features to automate social posts. Gohighlevel experts can help set up and configure the social planner within the platform, allowing scheduling posts at optimal times and maintaining a consistent online presence.

These are some of the key areas where Gohighlevel experts’ knowledge and expertise can significantly enhance marketing efforts and overall business success. Each of these services is tailored to maximize the value of the Gohighlevel platform for specific needs.

Do you need a Gohighlevel expert for Gohighlevel Whitelabel support?

Looking for a Gohighlevel expert to assist with Gohighlevel Whitelabel support? Getextendly is your go-to solution. Skip the hassle of hiring freelancers or individual experts – Getextendly offers top-notch Gohighlevel Whitelabel support services. With a track record of stellar reviews and exceptional work, they’re the trusted choice for all your Whitelabel support needs.

Purchasing Gohighlevel Snapshots vs Hiring GoHighlevel Expert

If you’re looking to fast-track your journey with Gohighlevel, Snapshots are a fantastic option. These are pre-designed packages that include websites, funnels, and automation workflows tailored to specific industries. For instance, if you’re a real estate agent, you can purchase a Gohighlevel real estate agent Snapshot and seamlessly import it into your Gohighlevel account. With just a few branding tweaks, you’ll be up and running in no time. Getextendly offers an array of impressive Snapshots for various industries including real estate, chiropractic, dentistry, and SAAS ownership. However, if you have unique requirements like building a website from scratch, then hiring a Gohighlevel expert is the way to go

If you’re a Gohighlevel expert and need Gohighlevel projects, what should you do?

If you’re a Gohighlevel expert looking for projects, there are several effective approaches you can take:

Create a Compelling Portfolio: Showcase your expertise by building a portfolio that highlights your successful Gohighlevel projects, along with case studies and client testimonials. This provides potential clients with a clear picture of your capabilities.

Leverage Freelancing Platforms: Join reputable platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or specialized marketing job boards. Actively seek out projects that require Gohighlevel expertise. These platforms connect you with clients seeking professionals like you.

Engage in Communities: Participate in Gohighlevel communities on social media, forums, and LinkedIn. Share valuable insights and establish your expertise. This proactive approach helps attract potential clients who are in need of your specialized skills.

Collaborate with Agencies: Partnering with marketing agencies that offer Gohighlevel services can be mutually beneficial. It provides you with a steady stream of projects, and allows you to tap into their existing client base.

Getting Gohighlevel Certified: A Game Changer!

One of the most crucial steps in securing Gohighlevel projects is obtaining Gohighlevel certification. By enrolling and successfully completing the certification, you’ll be listed in Gohighlevel’s official partner directory. This means anyone with a Gohighlevel account can easily find and hire you directly from the directory.

Act quickly, as the competition for Gohighlevel certification is currently limited. With the relatively low number of certified experts, there’s a substantial amount of Gohighlevel work available. By becoming a certified partner, you’ll gain a competitive advantage and open the door to numerous opportunities in the Gohighlevel ecosystem.

Can I hire a Gohighlevel expert directly from Gohighlevel?

You can hire Gohighlevel expert directly from Gohighlevel either by gohighlevel marketplace or Gohighlevel partner directories.

GoHighLevel Marketplace

Gohighlevel itself offers a marketplace where they have listed several services, you can just purchase them and gohighlevel expert from gohighlevel itself will help you. 

Marketplace has the following services:

1. Basic Account Setup – $299

This service is perfect for anyone looking to get started on the Gohighlevel platform. Whether you’re a business owner or working on behalf of a client, this package covers all the essentials to kickstart your journey with Gohighlevel. From initial account creation to basic configuration, you’ll have everything you need to hit the ground running.

2. Advanced Account Setup – $1000

If you’re aiming to take your business to the next level with Gohighlevel, the Advanced Account Setup service is the way to go. With this package, you’ll receive expert guidance on how to maximize the platform’s capabilities. Experienced Gohighlevel expert team will collaborate closely with you to ensure your account is finely tuned for success, offering valuable insights and personalized recommendations.

3. Priority Support – $300/month

Running into an issue or need assistance with Gohighlevel? The Priority Support service ensures you get prompt and top-notch assistance. Skip the regular queue and enjoy VIP treatment with this subscription. You’ll have access to a dedicated support team that’s ready to help you whenever you need it.

4. Whitelabel Mobile App – $497/month

Stand out from the crowd with a custom mobile app tailored specifically for your business. This service transforms your Gohighlevel platform into a branded mobile experience. Offering convenience and accessibility, a whitelabel mobile app sets you apart in the digital landscape.

5. Whitelabel Mobile (iOS & Android) App + Zap – $1491/quarter

This comprehensive package includes both iOS and Android versions of your custom mobile app, along with additional automation capabilities (referred to as “Zap”). With this service, you’ll have a powerful tool at your disposal to enhance your business operations and engage your audience effectively.

6. Whitelabel Zap – $50/month

Want to boost productivity and streamline your business processes? The Whitelabel Zap service allows you to seamlessly integrate the Gohighlevel platform with other tools and applications. This automation can save you time and effort, helping your business run more efficiently.

7. Eliza Agent Platform – $500/month

Meet Eliza, your personal assistant for lead management. This service streamlines the lead process, ensuring that no potential customer slips through the cracks. By utilizing Eliza’s capabilities, you’ll be able to help your clients close more leads quickly and efficiently.

8. HIPAA Compliance – $297/month or $2970/year

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of sensitive information is crucial, especially when it comes to medical data. The HIPAA Compliance service provides peace of mind, assuring that your clients’ medical information is protected online. This compliance is essential for running a reliable and trustworthy business.

These services offer a range of options to help businesses make the most of the Gohighlevel platform, from basic setup to specialized features and compliance solutions. Each service is designed to address specific needs and empower businesses to thrive in their marketing efforts.

GoHighLevel Partners Directory

For hiring Gohighlevel experts, they have a directory of certified partners and agencies on their directory. These partners have demonstrated expertise in using Gohighlevel and can be contacted directly for their services. 

If you’re in search of the ideal partner for your business, Gohighlevel partner directory is the best place. You can navigate through Gohighlevel Partner Directory to find HighLevel Partners tailored to your specific industry and the services you require. You can find the perfect gohighlevel expert to take your business to the next level!


In conclusion, Gohighlevel experts are like marketing superheroes who know how to make the most of the Gohighlevel platform. Whether you’re a business owner or a marketing pro, having their help can make a big difference.

Locating a Gohighlevel expert is more accessible than you might imagine. You can connect with them through platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, or become a part of social media groups. Gohighlevel even has its own place to find experts!

If you’re thinking of becoming a Gohighlevel expert, getting certified is a fantastic step. It’s like having a golden ticket to a world of exciting projects.

Remember, in today’s digital world, having a skilled Gohighlevel expert on your team is a smart move. They can help you stand out and succeed in marketing. So, whether you’re a business owner or just love marketing, teaming up with a Gohighlevel expert is a great idea!

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